16. From Jane Austen to Zadie Smith — Advice from Women Writers for a More Productive 2021

Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

In this week’s mini episode, Kim and Amy share secrets of what makes their writing partnership work. Then, join them as they turn to famous women writers such as Nancy Mitford, Isabelle Allende, Anais Nin, and more for advice on setting and accomplishing your goals and staying inspired as we, thankfully, head into a new year. Plus find out which book and author will be featured in the next episode of Lost Ladies of Lit. 

Discussed in this episode: 

C.S. Lewis

Mrs. Spring Fragrance by Sui Sin Far in Episode 15

George Eliot

Emily Dickinson

Jane Austen

Mary Shelley

Zadie Smith

Toni Morrison

Octavia E. Butler

Isabel Allende

Anais Nin

Nancy Mitford

Virginia Woolf

Nightingale Wood by Stella Gibbons

Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons


17. Stella Gibbons — Nightingale Wood


15. Sui Sin Far — Mrs. Spring Fragrance with Victoria Namkung