131. Lost Ladies of Music with Leah Broad

Guest Dr. Leah Broad joins us from Oxford University’s Christ Church to discuss Quartet, her acclaimed new biography of four British composers: Ethel Smyth, Rebecca Clarke, Dorothy Howell, and Doreen Carwithen. Three of the four women were celebrities in their own day and all were incredibly talented, yet their captivating life stories and their once acclaimed compositions have been all but forgotten today. We also discuss the film Tár. 

Discussed in this episode:

Our Lost Ladies of Music Spotify playlist

Quartet: How Four Women Changed the Musical World by Leah Broad

Ethel Smyth

Rebecca Clarke

Dorothy Howell

Doreen Carwithen 

Virginia Woolf 

Queen Victoria

The Wreckers by Ethel Smyth

Emmeline Pankhurst

The March of the Women by Ethel Smyth

Lamia by Rebecca Clarke 

Henry Wood

Bishop Rock by Doreen Carwithen

Benjamin Britten


132. Minae Mizumura  — A True Novel with Lavanya Krishnan


130. Han Suyin — Winter Love