114. Elsie Robinson with Allison Gilbert

A newspaper columnist from the first half of the 20th century, Elsie Robinson walked away from a life of privilege in search of personal freedom, toiled in a gold mine as a single mother, and eventually hit rock-bottom before clawing her way to national success. Our guest is Allison Gilbert, an Emmy-Award-winning journalist whose latest book, written in collaboration with Julia Scheeres, is Listen, World! How the Intrepid Elsie Robinson Became America’s Most-Read Woman.

Discussed in this episode: 

Listen, World! How the Intrepid Elsie Robinson Became America’s Most-Read Woman by Allison Gilbert and Julia Scheeres (Seal Press)

Benicia, CA

Lost Ladies of Lit episode on Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

I Wanted Out! by Elsie Robinson

Lindenhurst, Brattleboro, Vermont

Northfield Mount Hermon School

Meghan Markle

Hornitos, CA


115. Thanksgiving-ish Books and Films


113. America’s First Female Mayor